.Everyone has days when things seem like they are never going to change.This is a normal reaction to
all the obstacles life puts in our way when it comes to seeking happiness.And when things seem hopeless,sometimes our minds
tend to stray to thoughts of, "I'm better off dead." Or, "why am I even here when things will never change.", and so forth,But
you are not better off dead.. you are a special person who's life just happens to be in turmoil.It's a matter of not allowing
it to destroy you,and doing all you can to rise above it to become the person you are meant to be.You are a someone .. no
matter what happens,you are a person with hopes, dreams and rights as much as the next person.And things will change.. you
just have to give them time.And you have to be willing to change as well.You can't just say "I wish things would change" and
things will change just like that.You have to summon up all your inner strength,maybe find some that you didn't know you possessed
and use it to your advantage.And sometimes we are faced with situations that are beyond our control, but we can then decide
whether to fight back against them,and not let them destroy us,or we can give in and allow life's trials to win.You have to
believe that you can do it,believe in yourself,and things will slowly look up. If however you are feeling completely like there is no point and are at a place where your about to
give up,please call someone for help.. a friend,a family member,or a crisis line .. seek the help that you need and give yourself
that chance to discover that things can and will get better if you only give it time.Nothing in life is ever hopeless.Never
forget that.And never forget that you are a special someone that someone loves.EVERYONE is loved by someone.. whether it be
the love of a parent or a family member,the love of a friend or your partner. Never forget who you are.... And don't be afraid to seek out help.Talk about your problems before
its too late Never give up,and never give in.Just be who you
are and life will eventually look up .. I promise.
http://suicidehotlines.com/canada.html http://www.mentalhealth.org/suicideprevention/default.asp http://depression.about.com/library/hotlines/blcanada.htm?once=true& |