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Abuse... It's something that is only too common in today's society.And is something that more people need to be aware of ...
and educated on.This page isn't about that.It's just a page dedicated to poems and stories of abuse........
The Girl In The Mirror
The sound of her tormented
tears Just breaks my heart The sound of her pleas,her fears Tears my soul apart Seeing that scared look upon her
face Always makes me cry Knowing how she longs for a comforting embrace That inside she yearns to die Seeing the
bruises,covering from head to toe Breaks my heart even more Knowing she's too afraid to go Too frightened to walk
out the door Hearing her excuses,saying he'll change Believing,one day,the abuse will end Telling herself,it's her,not
him who's deranged Convincing herself she doesn't need a friend Telling herself time and time again He's all she
needs to live Saying she loves him,and change him,she can That she'll give him all she can give That is she didn't
always make him so mad He wouldn't have to hit her anymore It just makes me so sad Knowing,he'll eventually kill
her for sure Sadly,I look at her,as she continues to cry And my heart just aches And knowing that I can no longer
deny What it is that really makes my heart break Is that the girl I'm looking at,but can't really see Thru my tears,in
the mirror,is me.
You hit me,hurt me Beat me black and blue Called me names,wouldn't let me
be Degraded and belittled me,till I believed it true Threw me into walls,kicked me around Terrified,frightened me,made
me wish I'd die Told me you'd kill me,my body'd never be found Filled my head with all your lies I gave you my love
and my heart And tried to believe you'd change You took that trust and you tore me apart To suit what you wanted,my
life,I rearranged You destroyed the way I saw myself and others You made me feel so little and low Made it hard to
put my trust in another How you hurt me,you'll never really know Depite all this,I'm still here,I'm moving on Taking
back my life,claiming it as my own I'm stronger now,fighting to survive,now that your gone Seeing myself better than
I've ever known You tried to take away my faith in life By beating me until I could not see But I'm here and fighting,happy
to be alive Stronger and better,living my life for me.
Inside An Abused Woman's Head
What goes on inside
an abused woman's head What's she thinking in her mind On rocky waters she treads Leaving her self worth behind She
believes in each and every one of the lies Her abusers drum into her each day She is ashamed of the tears she cries Watches
each and every word she may say she sees herself as worthless, a no one And believes no one understands or cares She
doesn't know she has the option to run So she takes his "punishments" and stays there She doesn't think things will
ever change Doesn't see herself worth more The way she sees herself,he's rearranged By pounding her head into the
floor No one can really understand Unless they've been in her shoes The idea is so hard for some to comprehend Why
she stays,when he beats her black and blue She hides behind her wall of shame and denial Too afraid to speak up and
make him stop Afraid that his temper she will rile Too afraid to go to the cops She believes all that he says to
her When he says she deserves what he's doing Many have a hard time accepting this occurs And don't know why,this
life,she keeps pursueing Her mind is bruised and battered Her body is black and blue Each of her dreams have been
shattered But she's adraid to leave and start anew She's like a tiny little mouse inside Afraid to venture out and
leave She can only withdraw into her mind and hide Because of all the abuse,his lies,she believes The ways of her
mind are complicated and misunderstood She doesn't know any other way She would leave him if she felt she could But
instead, she thinks she can't,and she stays She can only hold her breath and pray He doesn't beat her tonight She
dreams of a day she can get away And hope he doesn't kill her first,in their next fight
The Little Girl
Cowering in fear,hidden under her bed A five year old child lays,quiet as can be Tears
down her face,are constantly shed Never heard murmuring her constant,almost silent plea Footsteps sound heavily down
the hall Coming closer and closer to where she hides in fear She squeezes in closer,against the wall Frightened,yet
too afraid to shed another tear Silent she lays,hoping she won't be found Her door opens and she tries hard not to cry She
knows what happens whenever he's around And even this young,she wishes to die His footsteps slowly approach where she
lay And she tried so hard not to make a noise at all She hates the "game" that he makes her play For help,she
really wishes she could call But she's learnt that no one will come,no one cares That she must endure this constant
torture and pain She really wishes that someone was there Because what he is doing,is driving her slowly insane She
hears his laugh as he looks for her An evil sound that makes her cringe and cower more She wonders in her childish mind,why
this must occur His voice,his touch,his hands,all chill her to the core Slowly he lifts up the covers and pulls her
from under the bed And she begs with him to leave her alone But he throws her down and makes her play their "game"
instead This young child,abused and raped in her own home
A single tear
Rolls down the face
Of a helpless child
Begging for help
Begging for mercy
Wishing for an end
For a friend
To be saved
Begging for understanding
Searching for love
Needing acceptance
Needing reassurance
Grasping at hands
Reaching out for help
Reaching out for compassion
But recieving none
Needing to be saved
Taken from where they are
Yet,no one comes
No one hears
Their screams in the night
No one sees
The tears as they fall
No one hears
The begging and pleading
The dreams and wishes
The needs and wants
Of an abused child.
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Anyone can be abused.The vicious cycle of abuse doesn't discriminate.Someone of any
race,religion,age,male or female, lower,middle or upper class,can be a victim of abuse.Just as anyone can be a victim,anyone
can be the abuser.A mother,a father,a sibling,another family member,a neighbour,a member of clergy,a lawyer,a doctor,a teacher,
a stranger,a trusted friend.It doesn't matter who,It can be anyone. There are so many different forms of abuse,for example,Child
Abuse,Physical Abuse,Emotional Abuse, and Sexual Abuse. Sometimes all forms of abuse are occuring,while in other cases,it
is one or two. Either way,it's too much,and happens too often.Sometimes the victim makes a plea for help,tries to stop it,tells
someone,but in many cases they are too frightened,or don't know any other way of life,and think that it's "normal", and in
other cases,lives in denial that it is happening to them or to someone that they know.So many people don't want to admit that
it can happen in their family,or to someone in their neightbourhood, that they close their eyes to it,and try to pretend that
it is not occuring.But,by closing your eyes to this horrendous crime,you're not doing anything but allowing it to continue,
it's destrauctive,harmful pattern. A woman constantly put down by her husband, told that her thoughts and feelings don't
matter,who has her rights limited,her friendships "monitered" by her spouse,is being emotionally abused.A child who is hit,beaten
and belittled,is being abused.A woman forced by her partner,or a male forced by his partner,to perform sexual activities that
they don't like or feel uncomfortable with,or don't want to participate in,is being sexually abused. Abuse doesn't always
leave visable marks or bruises,but the emotional scarring can last for years,quite often for the rest of the victims life. Why
do people live in denial?Try to pretend it's not really happening? There are no easy answers to this question. A loving
mother,who cares for her child,is told that daddy is touching their six year old daughter in inappropiate ways,tells her child
that she is wrong,mistaken or lying for attention.Why?It's not because she doesn't love her child,it's that she doesn't want
to believe that her husband,a man she loves and trusts is capable of such a hideous act against their own flesh and blood.So
she closes her eyes,and tries to convince herself that her daughter is making it up for attention. A eight year old boy
comes to school,is withdrawn, beligerent, with constant bruises.The teacher sees this,but the child's parents are "professionals"
and Pillars of the community,therefore,it can not be abuse. So they try to write it off with another explanation,such as the
child is anti social,has some kind of disability, is rude or clumsy. A housewife,whose husband is a prominent figure in
the community,is constantly in the ER for "falls" and "accidents", yet because of his position in society,it can't be abuse. Time
and time again,what should be obvious,is ignored,denied, because people don't want to believe that someone they know,or an
upstanding citizen can be capable of being abusive. The examples that I can give are endless,and heartbreaking. Yet so
many people still continue to close their eyes and deny that it exists. So many people turn the other way,try to brush it
off as something else,something more acceptable,instead of recognizing it for what it is and doing something to put a stop
to it. If you suspect someone is being abused,talk to them, or if it's a child,call the proper authorities,get them out
of that situation before it is too late. If you are being abused,remember that it is NOT your fault,and that you are not
alone.There are so many others like you,in the same situation,or who were in the same situation,who can help you get away,and
go somewhere safe.There are places that you can go,to get help and to put an end to it.People who care. Just remember one
thing... when you are talking to someone that you suspect is being abused,or you know is being abused.Be patient with them.Give
them time to build enough trust to confide in you.Don't push them.Listen to them,but don't judge them.Don't tell them or hint
in any way that you think that it is their fault or that they did something to deserve it. Because,no matter what,it is NEVER
the victims fault,no matter what the circumstances. Encourage them to get help.To seek safety. But if they aren't ready,continue
to be there for them,supporting them as best as you can,and being as good of a friend as you can be.But the best thing that
you can do in this situation,is to listen and be supportive.